The Precious Feet have been around for over four decades, and have saved millions of lives since they were dubbed the “International Pro-Life Symbol” in Dublin, Ireland in 1976. Created by Virginia and Ellis Evers, these tiny little pins have been distributed in over 30 different countries and 6 continents. So, why is it that so many people have never even heard of the Precious Feet?
Our thinking is, as the younger generations get older and more involved in social media and technology, the older generations are finding it harder and harder to reach out to them and grab their attention. To combat this issue, we came up with Wear1Share1! Wear1Share1 is a new way to share the Precious Feet that we are certain the younger generations will enjoy.
We believe that the only way to get the attention of today’s youth is to get them completely immersed in Wear1Share1; by taking pictures of themselves sharing their Precious Feet with others and posting those pictures on social media for their friends to see, they can generate more growth in the pro-life movement than any of the generations that came before them. Technology is a powerful tool – it’s time we make the most of it! Keep reading to learn more about how Wear1Share1 works and to find out how you can get involved.